Regular cycles do not equal ovulation: how to support ovulation naturally

Photo by: Vladislav Muslakov Many assume that if they have regular cycles, then they must be ovulating, but this isn’t true!  A regular period does NOT mean that you are ovulating. In fact, 10-15% of…

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Painful periods

Photo by: Anthony Tran Do you have painful periods? Did you know that fifty to ninety percent of reproductive-aged women worldwide describe experiencing painful periods? That’s most women during at least a portion of their…

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Liver health is essential to hormone health

Photo by: Carl Barcelo The liver is our body’s primary detoxification organ for our hormones. If the liver is overburdened with toxicants, physical damage, inflammation, infection, or other stressors, it can be difficult to efficiently…

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What’s in your milk?: A1 versus A2 beta-casein & disease potentiation

In 1993, Professor Bob Elliot from Auckland University in New Zealand, was examining the incidence of Type 1 diabetes among Samoan children when he noticed that Samoan children living in New Zealand had a 10-fold…

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Importance of Iron in Human Health

Are you fatigued, having recurrent infections, or experiencing foggy thinking?  Are you concerned your hair is thinning and wondering why?  Feeling dizzy, lacking strength and endurance? These may all be signs that you are experiencing…

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Top Reasons to Avoid Being “D-ficient”

Worldwide, inadequate vitamin D intake and blood levels is common, and deficiencies can be found on all continents, in all ethnic groups, and across all ages. Some surveys suggest that perhaps half of the world’s…

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